Ελληνικοί Σύνδεσμοι
Εισαγωγή στην Ιστορία των Επιστημών και της Τεχνολογίας, ΕΜΠ, Μ. Ασημακόπουλος
Διεθνείς Σύνδεσμοι
European Society for the History of Science
Society for the History of Technology
WITH: Women in Technological History Women in Technological History
Tensions of Europe
*** Technology and the Making of Europe
International Committee for the History of Technology
Society for the Social Studies of Science
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology
INES: International Network of Engineering Studies
IMECHE: Engineering Heritage, Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ heritage website
History of Chemical Engineering & Chemical Technology
ChemE: History of Chemical Engineering at MIT
The Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology
*** Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Σχετική Bιβλιογραφία
Ιστορία της Τεχνολογίας, “Νεύσις”, τεύχος 18, 2009
History and Technology: An International Journal